Sunday, December 5, 2010

LB #6 Using and Evaluating Instructional Material

 In using and Evaluating Instructional Materials teachers must be ensure that the picture is clear and neat so children can understand and willing to participate during the class discussion .A teacher may use instructional materials to aid in the learning of subject matter for a class. These instructional materials could include: 
  • Power Point presentations (visual aids) 
  • Books 
  • Articles 
  • Materials for project development

LB #5 The Cone Experience

The Cone of Experience is a visual model meant to summarise classification system for the varied types of mediated learning experiences. 

LB #4 Systematic approach to Teaching

A systematic approach is a network of elements, or parts of different from each other, but each one is special in the sense that each performs a unique functions.

LB #3 The rules of Educational Technology in Learning

Educational Technology serves as an instrument on the learners on how to use the computer in this modern world.The learners will learn more meaningful and can explore new things using the new program now which is the Educational Technology..